We’ve helped thousands save on their debt.

Don't just take our word for it - see how we have helped others like you regain financial freedom. Browse our customer success stories and get started on your journey today!

Customers Helped

Money Saved
$5 mil+

Additional Months Debt-Free
Man with beard and glasses

John saved $780 a month on $57k of debt

"Not only were my monthly payments lowered, but they are so much easier to manage now after going from 12 payments down to just one."
Actual Numbers Before After
Monthly Payment $1,705 $925
Total Debt $57,320 $41,850
Months to Payoff 233 48
Smiling couple

Al and Fiona lowered their debt by 47%

"Working with BillDoctor was easy - one of their partners saved me money by actually negotiating with my creditors."
Actual Numbers Before After
Monthly Payment $755 $410
Total Debt $25,185 $13,340
Months to Payoff 196 37
Lady with earings

Betty saved $560 a month on $41k of debt

"My credit score isn’t the best right now, but they still found me an option that saved on my payments and gave me hope."
Actual Numbers Before After
Monthly Payment $1,230 $680
Total Debt $41,200 $28,330
Months to Payoff 218 24
Man with crossed arms

Mark reduced his debt by $29k

"Only making minimum payments, I was looking at over 20 years to pay off my debt. Now I can actually see a way out."
Actual Numbers Before After
Monthly Payment $3,325 $1,870
Total Debt $116,200 $87,342
Months to Payoff 283 47
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